Why do so many law firms love their digital strategy? It’s all about the engagement


Source: Thomson Reuters

Encouraging engagement is the biggest challenge for those law firms that are looking to tie digital transformation initiatives to their overall strategy. But those that achieve buy-in also say it’s their biggest win — with an impact beyond just technology

For many law firms, tying digital transformation initiatives to overall firm strategy is a relatively new concept. In fact, just 54% of law firms surveyed had a digital transformation strategy at the C-suite level, and of those with a strategy, 70% had only adopted it within the past five years, according to a recent survey from the Thomson Reuters Institute.

And yet, law firms still have positive feelings about how their digital transformation initiatives are coalescing with overall firm strategy. More than 80% of survey respondents called digital transformation highly important or central to firm strategy, while more than 75% of those with a digital strategy rated the strategy’s success as a 7-out-of-10 or above…

Read full article: https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/technology/law-firms-digital-strategy/

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