When To Hire In-House Counsel


Source: Forbes
By Cam Vigliotta

John B. Quinn is the founder of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, the world’s largest law firm devoted solely to business litigation.

In recent years, companies have been increasingly hiring in-house legal counsel. Some legal recruiters have likened this to the “dot-com era” of the late 1990s and early 2000s, where massive internet growth prompted a corresponding increase in in-house hires.

In-house counsel serve as the company’s primary source of legal advice. They can advise on issues of contracts, personnel management, compliance, legal strategy and more. Outside counsel, on the other hand, will typically advise on or represent companies on specific matters, often litigation. While the decision to hire in-house counsel depends on the needs of the specific business, there are several benchmarks that can aid in making the decision…

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