‘Legal Tech Lists’: 5 Lawyer Tropes Upended By Legal Tech (Remote Litigation Edition)


Source: Above The Law
By Gary M. Almeter

In the past few weeks we’ve identified, analyzed, and rectified 10 lawyer tropes (see here and here), perpetuated by cultural staples but abruptly upended by legal technology. 

Remote litigation, the act of participating in a legal proceeding from your home office, has proven itself here to stay and sufficiently upended so many lawyer tropes that we thought that it deserved its own list.  

So here we relay a trope, provide an example, and talk about how legal tech rectifies that problem today.  

Trope 1: Settlement Water

This, to be sure, is a cousin of our very first trope, the big firm piling of documents onto the solo practitioner…

Read full article: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/06/legal-tech-lists-5-lawyer-tropes-upended-by-legal-tech-remote-litigation-edition/

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