Generative AI in legal tech: balancing innovation with human oversight


Source: Reuters

It’s nearly inescapable. The transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. From the curated programs Netflix suggests for you, to your smart refrigerator telling you when to buy more milk, to the online ads for things you didn’t even know you wanted, AI has become ubiquitous in our lives.  

The same applies to the legal profession. Artificial intelligence, particularly generative AI, is all the buzz in the blogs, conferences, meeting rooms, and water-cooler conversations of legal professionals. It comes filled with possibilities – and reservations. Both expectations hinge on human oversight. 

Understanding AI 

By its simplest definition, AI is technology that allows a computer to operate in a “human” way. It takes in data from its training and its surroundings and returns information based on what it learns or senses. Many terms contribute to the lexicon of AI, but generative AI creates the most noise…

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