Dutch judge uses ChatGPT to help reach a verdict


Source: DutchNews

A Dutch lower court judge in Nijmegen has raised eyebrows by admitting to using ChatGPT to collect information while deciding on a case. The judge questioned the AI chatbot about solar panels and used the answer it generated in the verdict, much to the concern of tech and legal experts who say they have doubts about whether this was a responsible thing to do.

A spokesman for the court said the judge had only used ChatGPT as one of several sources and the results were not the determining factor.

Dave Maasland of cyber security company Eset said that AI can be of great use to the legal system as a tool to reduce waiting times, simplify language and to offer cheaper legal help. But it is crucial that its use and answers are checked thoroughly, he said. “We know that generative AI is still in the beginning stages and is not without its own hallucinations,” he said.

Read full article: https://www.dutchnews.nl/2024/08/dutch-judge-uses-chatgpt-to-help-reach-a-verdict/

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