Deutsche Telekom launches AI-powered “Law Monitor” for legal compliance


Source: IoT Now

Deutsche Telekom is offering a new software-as-a-service solution called “Law Monitor”. The AI-based model supports corporate legal departments in quickly recognising changes to national and, in the long term, international laws.

In light of the high density of regulations both in Germany and worldwide, companies have to monitor more and more laws in order to remain legally compliant. This is necessary across all industries and means that companies have to devote a lot of resources to this task. For example, as of this month, the European packaging industry is obliged to produce disposable plastic bottles with attached lids in order to avoid plastic waste in the environment. The legal requirements have been modified and the packaging industry has had to react accordingly.

“AI has come to stay. At T-Systems, we see ourselves as consultants for our customers and need to make AI tangible. The Law Monitor is a good example of this. Automotive companies, for example, have to check on a daily basis whether laws have been changed. Since 7 July, for example, binding regulations have applied throughout the EU for the integration of specific assistance systems, such as emergency braking and lane departure warning systems in new cars. The Law Monitor helps car manufacturers to make these regulations transparent in real time in order to adapt production at an early stage,” said Ferri Abolhassan, the CEO of T-Systems and member of the board of management of Deutsche Telekom AG.

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