AI to free up hours of work and curb human error for legal workers


Source: Capital Brief

Artificial intelligence adoption could free up two hours of the working week in the next year, and eight hours a week in five years time for legal professionals, according to Thomson Reuters’ Future of Professionals ’24 survey.

According to the new data, 87% of Australian legal professionals believe AI will create new or additional roles in the next five years and could also help reduce human error in the industry. The Thomson Reuters survey included professionals in accounting, tax, legal and risk and compliance roles in the public and private sector in the US, UK, Canada, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.

“Professionals no longer need to speculate on the potential for AI to impact their work as they are now witnessing its effects firsthand,” said Thomson Reuters president and chief executive officer Steve Hasker.

“As we look to the future, one thing is clear: AI-empowered professionals and their companies will outpace those who resist this transformative era.”

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