Courtroom Insight Announces its Relaunch as a Data Company


Source: Courtroom Insight

Courtroom Insight (“CI”) announced its relaunch as a data company focused on providing clean, structured, and connected data for people and matters within legal. Over time, CI has expanded beyond a Knowledge Management SaaS platform by increasing and enriching its data offerings to meet the unique needs of law firms. Within the past year, CI announced an expanded CI Directory focused on aggregated and dynamically updated data about lawyers, in addition to other legal professionals.

CI APIs allow firms to replicate this comprehensive legal directory data within their own internal data environments. The company also released a new product, CI Matter Connector, which maps external dockets data to internal client matter information and enriches the dataset with CI Identifiers. The cleaned and tagged matter data is also replicated within clients’ internal platform and systems.

Mark Torchiana, CEO & Co-Founder of Courtroom Insight explained, “Clean data about people and matters is a precursor to unlocking significant value from investments in Experience Management, CRM and Gen AI tools. We will continue to work with innovative clients and data partners to develop even more industry leading data solutions.”

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