American Arbitration Association Launches APIs for Case Administration


Source: American Arbitration Association

The American Arbitration Association (AAA) announced the launch of a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) designed to enable parties with multiple arbitration cases to streamline their case administration. The American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution® developed its first API to enable mass arbitration advocates to file case documents and receive updates directly. It is extending this capability to all parties filing multiple cases.

“We were very interested in testing across diverse parties to ensure neutrality and that we could provide the services to all parties at no cost,” said Frank Rossi, AAA executive vice president and chief operations and revenue officer.

For firms that do not have robust technology resources, the AAA-ICDR is partnering with LexPipe, a new legal tech startup founded by Michael Sander, to provide third-party API installation and training. This free API support service aligns with the AAAICDR’s mission to streamline and enhance the dispute resolution experience through technological innovation.

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